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karen chandler

Karen Chandler


On January 15, 1978, Chandler was asleep in her sorority house at Florida State University. Around 3 am, Bundy opened Chandler’s door and entered the room. By that time, he had already taken the lives of two other women in the sorority house: Margaret Bowman and Lisa Levy.


Bundy attacked Chandler while simultaneously hitting her roommate, Kathy Kleiner. Rolling Stone writes, “The room was so small that Bundy was basically able to hit Kleiner with one side of the club, spin around, and hit Chandler with the other side.”


Then, as he was attacking the two roommates, a sorority sister was dropped off at the house by her boyfriend. The boyfriend’s car headlights exploded into the girls’ second-floor bedroom, leading Bundy to race downstairs. Kleiner tells Rolling Stone, “I guess he thought he was seen.”


According to a 1989 Associated Press article, Chandler was 22 at the tine, and a senior. She was the first to be found after the Chi Omega attack. The outlet writes, “She staggered down the hall, her jaw broken and four teeth knocked out. She also suffered a broken right arm and a crushed index finger.”

The sorority sister who had been dropped off by her boyfriend was telling another sister what she saw when they found Chandler “stumbling” out of her room.

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