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Georgann Hawkins

Georgann Hawkins

Georgann Hawkins was a young woman who disappeared in 1974. Serial killer Ted Bundy admitted to kidnapping and strangling her. It is possible that partial remains discovered at one of Bundy's crime scenes belonged to Hawkins, yet she remains listed as a missing person.



  • Hawkins had brown hair and brown eyes.

  • She had a tanned complexion at the time she disappeared.

  • She had contacts and glasses but did not wear them at the time of her disappearance.

  • She previously had Osgood-Schlatter's disease, which caused "bumps" below her knees.

  • She had a mole on her neck

  • A skin pigment discoloration on her back.


Before his execution in 1989, Bundy claimed to have abducted Hawkins after convincing her to assist him, feigning a broken arm. He knocked her unconscious and placed her in his vehicle. After she regained consciousness, he struck her again. She was later strangled.

He stated he decapitated her and buried her head 25 to 50 yards from the location he disposed of her body and buried it 10 yards from the roadside on a rocky hillside. He stated that a leg bone and vertebrae found with two other victims belonged to Georgann.

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