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Cunningham disappeared on March 15, 1975, after leaving her Vail apartment to meet her roommate at a bar a couple blocks away, police documents later told me. She never showed up at the bar and was never seen again.

Julie Cunningham is one of Ted Bundy's three Colorado victims. She disappeared on March 15, 1975, from Vail. In his 11th-hour confessions from death row 14 years later, Bundy confessed to luring Cunningham to his car, incapacitating, abducting, raping and killing her. (Photo: File photo)

Though never charged in the case, serial killer Ted Bundy would later confess to Cunningham's abduction and murder, the CBI listing said.

He told investigators that, fumbling on fake crutches, he came across Cunningham and asked her to help him carry his ski boots to his car. Then he abducted, raped and killed her. 

Her body has never been found and her disappearance technically remains unsolved, according to the Vail Police Department.

Julie Cunningham

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Pepi's Ski Shop where she worked

231 Bridge St, Vail, CO 81657

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